If there is anything no human being deserves, it is unnecessary good-for-nothing problems, and back pain is one of those problems.
Although for anyone stuck in the office behind his or her desk, this is an almost unavoidable part of life, it still does not change the fact you should make an effort to get rid of it, or prevent it. So whether you are struggling with back pain problems or not, these following suggestions should help you avoid them or make the pain subside.
Maintaining the correct posture
Sitting is usually the main reason why problems like this emerge. Back pain is not the only issue that you can experience due to constant sitting. Your metabolism slows down, your muscles become weak and the circulation of your blood slows down. Back pain occurs due to irregular posture and the lack of physical activity. In other words, when you are sitting, try to remember to keep your back straight, furthermore, do not forget to stand up every once in a while and stretch your muscles, it will certainly do you good to practice this every hour.
Regular exercise
It is a great way to stay in shape, keep your blood running and provide the necessary activity for your muscles. 20 minutes of yoga before work would be enough or just going to the gym three times a week. There is no need to overstretch yourself, just make sure you give your muscles enough activity. Furthermore, this is how you prevent obesity, which is an additional strain to your bones. As long as you stay in shape, in the future.
Your bed is responsible as well
If you are uncomfortable while sleeping, back pain will persevere, thus it is imperative you alter your sleeping conditions. If your is old, you need to find a good comfortable one to replace it with. Also, try as your head support. If you get enough sleep and give your muscles enough rest, the pain is very likely to disappear. Good rest plays an important role in this program since you will need enough energy for both work and exercise. Additionally, when you sleep, you can place a pillow between your knees, provided , in order to unburden your spine from unnecessary luggage.
Massage or acupuncture
If you are under a lot of stress ,the ongoing tension in your body is preventing your back muscles to relax, thus it becomes a source of your pain. All you need is a mechanism to cope with omnipresent stress. If you can do anything about your problems then you can at least give yourself enough time to visit your happy place. With a massage treatment, you are very likely to unwind and cut your body some slack. Also, if you want to try something more exotic, acupuncture should certainly be on your list. A lot of people who tried it verified its positive effects. On the other hand, in the event that you are not someone who would lie on the bed with numerous needles stuck in your body, then opt for a simple massage.
Quit smoking
Truly a demanding task, and considering that withdrawal syndromes will only cause additional stress, it is hard to say whether the effects of this method will bear fruit in short notice. However, the intake of nicotine has a bad impact on our bone structure - our bones lose density and durability thus becoming weaker and more susceptible to pain. Not to mention how this habit does so much more harm than merely causing back pain, and can ruin your life on so many levels.
Ice and heat
If the pain you are experiencing is unbearable and you want to use pain killers only as a last resort, then you can try treating the pain with cold or heated items. A bottle of ice cold water or boiled water should be applied on the area that you consider the epicentre of your pain, in order for it to subside.