Product Highlights
- The complete guide to everything you need to know about Recirculating Aquaculture Systems. The authors of this text are widely regarded as world leaders for innovation in the technical management techniques of RAS. This book is a deep dive into every aspect that will need to be considered in the design of a recirculating, profitable aquaculture business.
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Recirculating Aquaculture, 4th Edition
More about The Recirculating Aquaculture, 4th Edition Book:
This is the 4th edition of the book that has become known in the industry as the Big Yellow book. This hardcover textbook is widely regarded as the fundamental, and highly technical, reference for everything related to Recirculation Aquaculture Systems or RAS for short. Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food production markets around the world as overfishing our oceans becomes an increasing environmental issue. Proper management of water quality in aquaculture is the key to providing safe food production. The Big Yellow book is known for its in-depth charts, graphs, explained mathematical formulas. If you have ever wondered about “how many fish do I need in order properly to feed my plants?” or “How does the fish food quality affect their growth?” this text is for you! The RAS book is a great guide for those who are focused on turning profitable aquaculture business ventures. The objectives of this text are the practical application of aquacultural engineering principles to the design, construction, and management of an aquatic production system. One of the last chapters on aquaponics has also been added with extensive examples.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Chapter 2: Water Quality
Chapter 3: Mass Balances, Loading Rates, and Fish Growth
Chapter 4: Culture Units
Chapter 5: Solids Capture
Chapter 6: Waste Management & Utilization
Chapter 7: Biofiltration
Chapter 8: Biofilter Design
Chapter 9: Denitrification
Chapter 10: Gas Transfer
Chapter 11: Ozonation and UV-Irradiation
Chapter 12: Fluid Mechanics and Pumps
Chapter 13: System Monitoring and Control
Chapter 14: Building Environmental Control
Chapter 15: System Management and Operations
Chapter 16: Fish Health Management
Chapter 17: Economic Realities and Management Issues
Chapter 18: Fish Nutrition and Feeds
Chapter 19: Aquaponics: Integrating Fish and Plant Culture
779 pages
Ithaca Publishing Company LLC; 4th edition (June 4, 2018)
ISBN 0971264678, 978-0971264670